and the associated hemispheric laterality patterns.
The aim of the study is to investigate, for the first time in the literature, the cerebral lateralization of 8-12 year old children with special learning disorders, specifically dyslexia and dysgraphia, which are associated with writing difficulties and for which atypical patterns of cerebral laterality for oral language have been found using fTCD (Illiingworth & Bishop, 2009).
This study has now been submitted as a stage I registered report titled “Cerebral lateralization of writing in students at risk for dyslexia using functional Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography.” in PCIRR, and has received in principle acceptance. Preliminary data presented in international meetings, including the 27th JURE 2023 Pre-conference in Thessaloniki (20-21/08/2023) and the 30th Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Neuroscience in Athens (24-26/11/2023). Still looking for participants and they are welcome to join.
Illiingworth, S., & Bishop, D. (2009). Atypical cerebral lateralisation in adults with compensated developmental dyslexia demonstrated using functional transcranial Doppler ultrasouns. Brain and language, 111(1), 61-65.